Stars on Parade, Stars on Parade!
There's a story about
this kid named Sid
And he was born to be wild
I save cigarette butts
for a monkey In
a mountain and I looked around
Some kind of friend went out one night
Walking in the
premarital world the wicked world
Don't you ever wear my clothes again
Stars on Parade!
When I was a little
happy Happy,
happy, happy
You wanted to be somebody
But you ain't no [funk?]
Bomb bursting in air
Gave proof
through the night
Jail babe don't you know I can't
Hovering comes to mind
describing hovering becomes
Important in a cold hard world
It's [a very?] like a
rose, like a rose
Like a monkey in a blue bayou
Like a complete unknown
Like the wild wind
blowing in the stars
I'm looking for a nice girl
There was this big guy
Since I lost my
smile And your
heart is weary
Stars on Parade!